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Prevent Frozen Pipes

Now is the time to take preventative measures to avoid frozen pipes due to the upcoming weather change to freezing temperatures.  If you have not done so please consider the following tips to avoid frozen water pipes.

*Disconnect all outside hoses and cover faucets.

*Insulate pipes that are located in cold, drafty places inside and outside the home.  

*Insulate your meter! Please take advantage of insulated pipe wrap we have available here at the water office at no cost.  While supplies last.  

*Using heating tape on pipes can prevent freezing.

*Know where your water shut off is to your home and how to shut it off in case of busted water pipes.  

*Keep faucets dripping on exceptionally cold days and nights, also opening cabinet doors to allow warm air to reach water valves and hoses.   

Please plan ahead now to avoid costly repairs and high water bills.  It is cheaper to allow a faucet to drip water than pay for water from a busted pipe!